Sunday, July 19, 2009

Termination and Congressmen

A respected Congressman from west central Virginia announced he would not seek re-election. In office during 9/11 , the congressman was a part of a federal branch of government which has been on a steady downward spiral in both its actions and work ethic since at least 9/11.
I contend that the majority of U.S. Representatives and Senators have failed and are continuing to fail to protect and defend most Americans. To each of them we need to say,
"Your on-the-job performance is not acceptable. Here are five goals. Achieve each and I will consider allowing you to stay on the job. Otherwise, you will not get my vote Nov 2, 2010.
The five goals you will complete while performing in an outstanding manner in all other assigned duties are:
1. Implement the best health care program in the world.
2. Present a balanced budget for 2011 that is based on the projected amount of money coming in (revenue) to the U.S. Treasury (only) vs the amount going out (expenses) from all federal agencies, excluding Social Security and Medicare.
3. Pass legislation that will place a tax of 20% on the gross revenues of any business or individual that employs undocumented foreign workers and on businesses or individuals that employee more people outside the United States than within the borders of the 50 states and territories.
4. Pass laws that will include penalties for any federal program or agency or federally funded program or federally funded agency ( including the military) that does not reduce fossil fuel consumption each year by 10% for five years or fails to maintain those annual savings for the following 10 years.
5. Provide high speed Internet access free of charge to every home in America."